Campaign Manager - Creative Builder

Importing Look-Up Tables from another creative

It is possible to import a Look-Up Table from another creative. This creates a copy of the original Look-Up Table for use in the current creative.


  1. Select the Look-Up Tables tab from the Overview screen.
  2. Click Link.
  3. Use the document explorer to search for the creative that contains the Look-Up table to be imported.
  4. Select the Look-Up Table to be imported.

It is not possible to import a Look-Up Table from another creative if the Look-Up Table name already exists on the creative you are linking to.

  1. Click Link. The Look-Up Table will be marked as shared, and can be seen in Shared Elements.
Note: Linking a Look-Up table creates a copy of the original Look-Up table for use in a new creative. Any changes made to a copied or original Look-Up Table are made to all versions of that Look-Up Table.
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